Friday, 23 February 2007

Smoke Free Day 26

Went to the smoking clinic today, saw Nurse Emma. She's really pleased (as am I) with my progress and said I'm a great advert for the clinic, a success story. She couldn't quite believe that I hardly needed the use of the lozenges. In a nutshell, she didn't really see any point in me going back to see her, but the option was there should I need to. I even offered my services to anyone who may need encouragement.

That's it really, nothing else to report.

Thursday, 22 February 2007

Smoke Free Day 25

Only thing I can write about today is part of a dream I had. It was a long, drawn out dream (not unusual for me), however, in one part of it, I remember looking under a desk for something and finding a packet of 10 Silk Cut Silver, it had about 3 or 4 left in it. Upon picking up the pack, I turned around and looked up at whoever was standing there and said something to the effect of "see? I wonder what would have happened had I have found these" - which seemed a little bizarre as I had just found them.

Anyway, I think that dream is reflecting the fact that I still believe I would enjoy a cigarette but am glad that I have no yen to buy any and spoil what I've achieved to date.

Tuesday, 20 February 2007

Smoke Free Day 24

Erm what can I tell you from today? Oh yes, just thought of something.....drove back up from London today and didn't once think about smoking during the journey. In fact, not thinking about it much at all...

I think it's getting to the stage when I may not have anything to report some days, time will tell....

Smoke Free Day 23

Gosh it sounds so nice to hear me saying to others that I've given up! Can really smell a smoker now I'm not one, smells so stale and horrid, bless, to think that some kids' idea of mummy or daddy's smell is that of smoke-infested clothes.

Oh no! I'm turning into one of those horrid reformed smokers - noooooooooooooooooooo!!!

Monday, 19 February 2007

Smoke Free Day 22

Again, a pretty uneventful day with regard to not smoking anymore, other than, I can smell smoke "a mile off" now lol, but it doesn't have any effect on me, it's not even making me cringe! Guess it's going to remain an alluring smell for a while longer - it's not bothering me that I'm still liking the smell and the thought of smoking a cigarette, but hey, I know I won't, so the thought is only that, and that I can deal with!

Sunday, 18 February 2007

Smoke Free Days 19, 20 & 21

To be honest, there's nothing much to report other than a couple of little things. One being that I'm aware I'm telling more people I've given up and feeling good about it and that I do notice when I'm eating, I'm still thinking that the after-meal cigarette would still be nice. I wouldn't call that a craving, just habit-forming thought process, I'm guessing! It's not even temptation. What it is telling me, however, that once a smoker, always a smoker - kinda like being an alcohol or drug addict really, I would presume, anyway.

Oh yes, I've also noticed that since giving up, walking Monty is even more of a pleasure. My walking speed has increased and I'm not getting breathless going up the hill in the park! Also really good news is that problems with blood rushing to my head when exercising, well, at least when walking, has now ceased, I'm over the moon about that!