Thursday 8 February 2007

Smoke Free Day 11

Well, the most prominent thing that's happened or rather not happened, has been thoughts of smoking. Today has been the first day without any cravings. No chewing gum or polos needed! I'm erring on the side of caution though as I had rather a late start to the day, so that might have had something to do with it.

I chatted to a long-term online friend of mine tonight and she has also started on the road to giving up, which is great news, I hope I can help her with the abundance of knowledge I have already gained from so few days of being smoke free. In fact, I think I've offered to be a kind of mentor, which is cool, anything I can do to help 'n all that. I told her that Tracey has been so wonderfully supportive towards me and my giving up that I'd like to pass it on. I always have quoted the film "Pay it Forward" as one of my favourites.....

So, what I've taken from today is that I can now think about smoking but not actually want one. However I'm not getting ahead of myself as I feel that I would still enjoy a cigarette.


Anonymous said...

I 've been smoke free for eleven days also this is my new years resolution for life. I have cravings sometimes but i just think of the pros and cons and continue down success road. im 27 i started smoking around 14. i just felt tired of enjoying smoking but hating the smell and foul taste it left. congratulations to you and God speed.

Karen K said...

Well you certainly seem to have the right attitude towards giving up. I remember my first cigarette at 12..a menthol of all's a wonder I ever continued really. But anyway, really, good luck to you and keep up the good work :o)